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Displaying 441 - 450 of 464 articles
Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan: The Spreading Insurgency

Insurgent activity in Afghanistan has now spread beyond traditional strongholds in the south to districts surrounding the capital, exposing the slow erosion of security in the Afghan heartland. Candace Rondeaux, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Afghanistan, discusses the implications of U.S. withdrawal for the evolving Afghan insurgency.

Haiti's Displaced

A year and a half after the 2010 earthquake, hundreds of thousands continue to subsist in Haiti's displaced persons camps, where they remain vulnerable both to rising crime rates and to the 2011 storm season. Mark Schneider, Crisis Group's Senior Vice President and Special Adviser on Latin America, looks at why the greatest challenge facing Haiti's new president, Michel Martelly, may be resettling the country's displaced. 

Podcast / Africa

Somalia's Power Struggle

 On June 19, Somalia’s prime minister stepped down amid ongoing violence between the country's Transitional Federal Government and the Islamist group al-Shabab. His resignation followed a power struggle between the president and speaker of the parliament. EJ Hogendoorn, Crisis Group’s Horn of Africa Project Director, discusses the implications for Somalia.

Podcast / Africa

Nigeria: On the right path?

Kunle Amuwo, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Nigeria, talks about the lessons learnt from the country’s last elections, the speculations about renewed separatist tensions and the challenges President Jonathan Goodluck will be facing in the coming months.

Also available in Français
Podcast / Africa

Guinea: The Next Steps

Vincent Foucher, Crisis Group’s West Africa Senior Analyst, talks about the upcoming legislative elections in Guinea and the role of the military in the new regime.

Also available in Français

Hamas: Uncontested in Gaza?

Nathan Thrall, Crisis Group’s Middle East Analyst, talks about radical Islam in Gaza, and the relation between Hamas, the Islamic movement in control of the strip, and radical Islamist groups, and the challenges they pose.

The Challenge of Impunity in Guatemala

Javier Ciurlizza, Program Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, talks about Crisis Group’s latest report on Guatemala’s International Commission Against Impunity, CICIG. He analyses the commission’s successes so far and what it still needs to do in order to dismantle illegal security forces and clandestine security organizations over the long term.

Also available in Español
Podcast / Africa

Zimbabwe: The Road to Reform or another Dead End? [Podcast]

Piers Pigou, Crisis Group’s Southern Africa Project Director, examines the current political situation in Zimbabwe and talks about the urgent reforms needed in order to avoid a new wave of political violence.

Fatah-Hamas Deal

Fatah and Hamas, the two main Palestinian factions, signed in Cairo a historic reconciliation deal ending four years of Palestinian division. Azmi Kishawi, researcher with Crisis Group in Gaza, talks about the timing, content, and future of this deal.

Also available in Arabic
Podcast / Africa

Sudan: The Struggle for Abyei

Mere weeks before South Sudan is set to become independent, the northern Sudanese army has occupied Abyei. Zach Vertin, Crisis Group's Horn of Africa analyst, explains what sparked the conflict and how to resolve it.

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