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Displaying 451 - 460 of 464 articles
Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan After bin Laden

The battle for Afghanistan’s security grows more complicated as corrupt politicians form ties with insurgent groups, creating cartel-like structures. Candace Rondeaux, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst based in Kabul, discusses the country's current security situation.

Podcast / Africa

Côte d’Ivoire after the Violence

Gilles Yabi, Crisis Group’s West Africa Project Director, talks about President Alassane Ouattara’s intention to investigate alleged atrocity crimes in Côte d’Ivoire during the post-election violence, as well as the prospects for peace and the security situation in the country.

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Tunisia's Way

The ongoing turmoil in the Arab world began in Tunisia, where earlier this year President Ben Ali, in power for 23 years, fled the country after only four weeks of popular protest. Rob Malley, Crisis Group's Middle East and North Africa Program Director, explains why the first Arab revolution may have the best chance of success.

Podcast / Africa

Côte d’Ivoire: Reconcile and Reconstruct

Gilles Yabi, Crisis Group’s West Africa Project Director, analyses the current situation in Côte d’Ivoire after the arrest of former President Laurent Gbagbo and discusses the prospects of a truth and reconciliation commission.

Also available in Français

The Bahrain Revolt

In March, after a month of popular protests, the island kingdom of Bahrain called for assistance from its neighbours in the Gulf to defend against an unspecified outside threat. In response, Saudi Arabia and other states dispatched troops and police. Though unspecified, the concern was clear: Bahrain’s Sunni rulers feared Iran’s influence among the country’s majority Shiite population. Joost Hiltermann, Crisis Group’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa Program, explains why the Iranian threat is overblown.

Yemen Between Reform and Revolution

Mass protests have convulsed Yemen in recent months, as the country's established opposition parties have joined large street demonstrations in calling for Ali Abdullah Saleh to abdicate the presidency. April Longley Alley, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for the Arabian Peninsula, looks at what distinguishes Yemen's protest movement from others throughout North Africa and the Middle East.

Egypt Victorious?

Elijah Zarwan, Crisis Group’s North Africa Senior Analyst, looks at the developments in Egypt and what needs to be done in order to ensure a smooth transition to an enduring democracy.

Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan's Elections Dispute

Afghanistan continues to struggle with fall-out from last fall’s parliamentary elections, with some seats remaining contested even after Parliament’s inauguration. In December, the Supreme Court, with President Karzai’s approval, established a Special Tribunal to settle election complaints. Crisis Group Senior Analyst Candace Rondeaux explains why the Special Tribunal may undermine an already fragile security situation.

Podcast / Asia

The Philippines: Peace Talks and the Communist Insurgency

The Communist Party of the Philippines has waged an insurgency against the Philippine government for over forty years. The two adversaries agreed to a series of peace talks this week in Norway—six years after talks were last suspended. Bryony Lau, Crisis Group’s South East Asia Analyst, explains the roots of the conflict and why this round of talks might lead to a negotiated settlement.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Preventing War between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Escalating front-line clashes, a spiralling arms race, vitriolic rhetoric and a virtual breakdown in peace talks increase the chance Armenia and Azerbaijan will go back to war over Nagorno-Karabakh. Sabine Freizer, Crisis Group's Europe Program Director, explains the situation.

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