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Displaying 51 - 60 of 797 articles

Forming a Unity Government May be Libya’s Best Bet for Healing Rift

Libyan politicians have floated a plan to put together an interim government. The UN and other external actors should support this step toward breaking the country’s political deadlock.

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Trapped in the Gap: Migrants and Smugglers in the Darién

The Darién – a patch of dense jungle on the strip of land connecting Colombia and Panama – is one of the most treacherous routes in the Americas. In this multimedia commentary, Bram Ebus follows the journey of Yeimy, a Venezuelan migrant, and her sons.

Paving the Way to Talks on Western Sahara

Diplomats have struggled to broker negotiations over the disputed territory of Western Sahara since late 2020, when a ceasefire between Morocco and the pro-independence Polisario Front broke down. If it steps up its engagement, Washington may be able to get the ball rolling.

Also available in Arabic
Commentary / Global

What’s New about the UN’s New Agenda for Peace?

The UN Secretary-General has drafted a lengthy report about how world leaders can address looming global challenges. The document covers a remarkable range of topics, from peacekeeping missions and women’s rights to climate change and cyber-security.

Dangerous Words: The Risky Rhetoric of U.S. War on Mexican Cartels

As opioid overdose deaths rise in the U.S., members of Congress have broached the idea of using U.S. military force against the Mexican criminal networks that traffic in narcotics. Such notions are irresponsible, and other politicians and opinion leaders should vigorously push back against them.

Also available in Español

The UN Security Council between Rifts and Reform

Talk of reforming the UN Security Council is gaining currency, due in part to Russia’s war in Ukraine. But the obstacles are many. A more modest vision of what the body should be and what it can achieve is probably best for now.

Gulf Arab Reconciliation Hides Simmering Tensions

The four-year blockade of Qatar by rival Gulf powers is over, but fault lines among these states remain. If the gaps are not bridged, the competition could exacerbate conflicts – and spark new ones – well outside the region.

Normalising Relations with Syria: How Significant?

The League of Arab States welcomed President Bashar al-Assad to its May summit, reinstating Syria’s membership, which it had suspended in 2011. The regime may look to have shrugged off the international opprobrium it earned for its brutality in repressing its opponents. But has it?

Commentary / Africa

Ensuring MINUSMA’s Smooth Departure from Mali

On 16 June, Bamako asked the UN Security Council to withdraw the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Jean-Hervé Jézéquel and Ibrahim Maïga look at the reasons behind the Malian authorities’ decision as well as its consequences.

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