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Displaying 51 - 60 of 224 articles
Video / Europe & Central Asia

Ukrainian Refugees and the Coming Winter

In this video, Crisis Group analysts Simon Schlegel and Azadeh Moaveni sit down in Warsaw to discuss the mass movement of Ukrainians following the start of the Ukraine-Russia war, and how the situation could become more precarious in winter.


Comfort Ero on Crisis Group's Mission

Crisis Group's President & CEO Comfort Ero speaks about the organisation's work and mandate, and reflects on her personal story and her relation with conflict prevention.

The situation in Ukraine is more dangerous than before

Crisis Group’s Program Director for Europe and Central Asia, Olga Oliker, speaks about the current situation in Ukraine, why it's more dangerous now than when Russia invaded in February and what can be done to de-escalate it.

Video / Asia

Myanmar's Military Coup: One Year On

In this short interview, Crisis Group's Myanmar expert Richard Horsey assesses the situation in Myanmar one year after the military coup, and what the future may hold.

Video / Europe & Central Asia

Is Russia bluffing or perhaps misunderstanding Ukraine?

In this short interview, Crisis Group's ECA Director Olga Oliker explains why she thinks Russia's building up of forces near Ukraine may not be a bluff, but rather the result of Moscow misunderstanding of Ukraine.

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