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Displaying 51 - 60 of 69 articles
Event Recording / Africa

Insurrection in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado - Preventing a New Jihadist Front

Online event, in partnership with the South African weekly newspaper Mail & Guardian, to discuss how to prevent the Cabo Delgado insurrection from escalating into a new frontier for global jihadism. 

How New Technologies Shape Conflict - the Case of Social Media

Online event to explore the impact of social media in fragile contexts. The event looked at the importance of state actors in cases such as Myanmar, El Savador and Syria, but also of opposition and non-state actors in countries like Cameroon, Venezuela and Libya.

Event Recording / Africa

The U.S. War on Terror in Somalia: How to End an Endless War

Online Event to discuss Vice News' recent documentary "Inside the U.S. War on Terror in Somalia", with input on the situation from Crisis Group's interim Vice President, Comfort Ero, and interim Chief of Policy, Steve Pomper.

From War to Peace: The Challenges of Libya’s Transition (Online Event, 1st June 2021)

Online Event to discuss International Crisis Group’s fieldwork and recent report “Libya Turns the Page

Bringing Women Back in to Yemen’s Political Process (Online Event, 20th April 2021)

Online Event to discuss International Crisis Group's report The Case for More Inclusive – and More Effective – Peacemaking in Yemen

Coca and Violence in Colombia (Online Event)

Online event joining together experts on drug policy from the Washington Office on Latin America's (WOLA), field-level expertise from Corporación Viso Mutop and Crisis Group senior analysts to discuss our new report: "Deeply Rooted: Coca Eradication and Violence in Colombia." 

Event Recording / Global

Crisis Group's EU Watch List: 10 Cases Where the EU can Build Peace in 2021

Online Event to launch Crisis Group's EU Watch List 2021 in which Crisis Group’s senior staff were joined by representatives from the European Commission and the European External Action Service to discuss ten cases where the EU can build peace in 2021.

How to Relaunch the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Online Event to discuss Crisis Group's report "Relaunching the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue", in which we discussed what currently stands in the way of a new status quo and what it will take to relaunch the process with the Pristina elections in view.

Event Recording / Africa

Somalia Elections 2020-2021: Lowering the Prospects of Turmoil

Online Event to discuss International Crisis Group's briefing "Staving off Violence around Somalia’s Elections", in which we argue that Somalia’s stakeholders and its international partners should make the indirect election another step toward democratisation.

Event Recording / Asia

Myanmar's 2020 elections: Path to stability or flashpoint for conflict?

Online Event to discuss International Crisis Group's briefing on Myanmar's 2020 elections

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