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Displaying 5201 - 5210 of 6955 articles

Engaging Syria? Lessons from the French Experience

How is one to engage Damascus? As the incoming U.S. administration examines the future of its relationship with Syria, seemingly persuaded that an improvement in bilateral ties and an Israeli-Syrian agreement could fundamentally modify the regional landscape, France’s recent experience offers useful lessons.

Also available in Arabic, Français
Report / Africa

Liberia: Uneven Progress in Security Sector Reform

Since independence and for fourteen years of war, Liberia’s army, police and other security agencies have mostly been sources of insecurity and misery for a destitute people. The internationally driven attempt to radically reform the security sector since the war’s end in 2003 is a major chance to put this right and prevent new destabilisation.

Macedonia’s Name: Breaking the Deadlock

Macedonia is a relative success story in a region scarred by unresolved statehood and territory issues. International engagement has, since the 2001 conflict with an ethnic Albanian insurgency, brought progress in integrating Albanians into political life. This has been underpinned by the promise of European Union (EU) and NATO integration, goals that unite ethnic Macedonians and Albanians. But the main NATO/EU strategy for stabilising Macedonia and the region via enlargement was derailed in 2008 by the dispute with Greece over the country’s name.

Also available in Albanian, Macedonian

Gaza: Hvis ikke EU, hvem så?

USA er i et magttomrum, det internationale samfund står splittet og kravet om øjeblikkelig våbenhvile fra FN's Sikkerhedsråd er næppe nok - nu må EU på banen som fredsmægler.

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