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Displaying 5221 - 5230 of 6955 articles
Briefing / Africa

Ending Zimbabwe’s Nightmare: A Possible Way Forward

The inter-party negotiations that have sought to end Zimbabwe’s political, economic and now full-blown humanitarian crisis following the fraudulent June 2008 presidential election run-off are hopelessly deadlocked.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Turkey and Europe: The Decisive Year Ahead

Turkey is entering a critical year, in which its prospects for European Union (EU) membership are at make or break stage.

Also available in Turkish
Speech / Global

The Responsibility To Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All

Address by Gareth Evans, President, International Crisis Group, to the Institute for Public Policy Research, London, 15 December 2008.

Briefing / Asia

Bangladesh: Elections and Beyond

Bangladesh’s 29 December 2008 general election is expected to end a two year military-enforced state of emergency and return the country to democratic governance.

Report / Africa

Northern Uganda: The Road to Peace, with or without Kony

The Juba peace process, intended to bring closure to the northern Uganda conflict and disarm Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), is failing. On 29 November, Kony failed again to appear at the Ri-Kwangba assembly point to sign the Final Peace Agreement (FPA).

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