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Displaying 5411 - 5420 of 6955 articles
Report / Asia

Restoring Democracy in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is under military rule again for the third time in as many decades.

Will the Real Serbia Please Stand Up?

Kosovo’s independence declaration on 17 February 2008 sent shock waves through Serbia’s politics and society, polarising the former in a manner not seen since the Milosevic era.

Also available in Russian
Speech / Global

The Responsibility to Protect: An Idea Whose Time Has Come ... and Gone?

Lecture by Gareth Evans, President, International Crisis Group, to David Davies Memorial Institute, University of Aberystwyth, 23 April 2008.

Report / Africa

Côte d’Ivoire: Ensuring Credible Elections

Côte d’Ivoire continues towards peace one year after the ex-Forces Nouvelles (FN) rebellion leader Guillaume Soro was appointed prime minister by his former adversary, President Laurent Gbagbo, but violence could still return.

Also available in Français
Speech / Asia

Assessing the Overall Security Situation in Afghanistan

Speech by Nick Grono, Deputy President, International Crisis Group, DCAF - NATO Parliamentary Assembly Seminar on "Stabilising Afghanistan: Developing Security, Securing Development", 17 April 2008

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