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Displaying 5481 - 5490 of 6955 articles
Report / Asia

Burma/Myanmar: After the Crackdown

The violent crushing of protests led by Buddhist monks in Burma/Myanmar in late 2007 has caused even allies of the military government to recognise that change is desperately needed.

Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: Tackling Radicalism in Poso

A year after major police operations in the Central Sulawesi district of Poso, there are grounds for cautious optimism that Muslim-Christian and jihadist violence is a thing of the past.

Also available in Français, Russian
Report / Asia

Timor-Leste: Security Sector Reform

Four years after Timor-Leste gained independence, its police and army were fighting each other in the streets of Dili.

Also available in Indonesian, Portuguese, Portugal

Cyprus: Reversing the Drift to Partition

One more major effort, strongly encouraged by the UN and European Union (EU), should be made in 2008 to resolve the long-running dispute between ethnic Greeks and Turks on Cyprus and achieve a comprehensive settlement to reunify the island.

Also available in Français, Greek, Turkish and other languages

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