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Displaying 5731 - 5740 of 6037 articles

Bosnia's Alliance for (Smallish) Change

Put together under the tutelage of representatives of the international community in the aftermath of the November 2000 general elections, the ten-party coalition known as the Democratic Alliance for Change has governed the larger of Bosnia & Herzegovina’s two entities and led the state-level Council of Ministers since early 2001.

Also available in Bosnian
Report / Africa

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: The Countdown

There are just over five years left for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) to complete the mission conferred upon it by the United Nations Security Council in November 1994. The Tribunal is halfway through its mandate, and in the past eighteen months, a number of new trials have begun.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Asia

The Afghan Transitional Administration: Prospects and Perils

The Emergency Loya Jirga, or grand national assembly, held from 10 to 21 June 2002 in Kabul was a small but critical step in Afghanistan’s political development.

Report / Asia

Pakistan: Madrasas, Extremism and the Military

In its new role as key ally in the U.S.-led war on terrorism, Pakistan's military government has toned down many policies that previously fostered militancy and religious extremism within the country and internationally.

Middle East Endgame III: Israel, Syria and Lebanon – How Comprehensive Peace Settlements Would Look

This ICG report is one of three published simultaneously, proposing to the parties and the wider international community a comprehensive plan to settle the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Also available in Arabic

Middle East Endgame II: How A Comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement Would Look

This ICG report is one of three, published simultaneously, proposing to the parties and the wider international community a comprehensive plan to settle the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Also available in Arabic

Middle East Endgame I: Getting To A Comprehensive Arab-Israeli Peace Settlement

President Bush, announcing U.S. policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on 24 June 2002, has set the terms of the international response to the conflict for the immediately foreseeable period. Before peace can be negotiated the violence has to stop.

Also available in Arabic

Fighting To Control Yugoslavia’s Military

Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica’s 24 June 2002 sacking of Yugoslav Army (VJ) Chief of the General Staff Nebojsa Pavkovic was necessary, welcome, and long overdue. The EU, U.S., and NATO acclaimed the move as an effort to assert civilian control over the military, and Kostunica indeed deserves credit for removing a significant obstacle to the country’s reintegration with Europe.

Also available in Serbian
Report / Africa

Sierra Leone After Elections: Politics as Usual?

Sierra Leone continues to make remarkable progress in ending its eleven-year civil war. There is no longer active fighting, and the army and police are fully deployed across the country.

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