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Displaying 5951 - 5960 of 6033 articles
Report / Europe & Central Asia

All Quiet on the Serbian Front?

As 1999 nears a close two questions about Yugoslav Strong-man Slobodan Milosevic stand out: How did he stay in power after the NATO action, beginning on 24 March 1999, and will he opt for bloodshed in Montenegro, at least before the end of January 2000?

Report / Africa

Burundian Refugees in Tanzania: A Key Factor in the Burundi Peace Process

There has been a considerable Burundian refugee population, almost entirely Hutu, in countries neighbouring Burundi, and especially Tanzania, since the 1972 mass slaughter of Hutus when 300,000 are reported to have fled. 

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth

The enterprise known as Trepca is a sprawling conglomerate of some 40 mines and factories, located mostly in Kosovo but also in other locations in Serbia and Montenegro.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Who's Killing Whom In Kosovo

The agreement signed on 20 September between the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and KFOR commanders transformed the KLA into a 5,000-strong, nominally multiethnic civilian force - the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC).

Is Dayton Failing?: Bosnia Four Years After the Peace Agreement

In anticipation of the fourth anniversary on 21 November 1999 of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, this report presents a detailed analysis of the agreement and the future of the Bosnian peace process.

Waiting for UNMIK

More than four months have passed since the start of the deployment of the United Nations in Kosovo.

Macedonia: Gearing up for Presidential Elections

On 31 October and 14 November 1999, Macedonian citizens will go to the polls to elect a successor to 82-year-old President Kiro Gligorov, who is stepping down after two terms in office.

Report / Asia

Indonesia's Shaky Transition

The past two years has been a highly turbulent period for Indonesia.

Who's Who in Kosovo

This paper offers a brief guide to the leading indigenous organisations and personalities in Kosovo/Kosova.

Report / Africa

The Agreement on a Cease-fire in the Democratic Republic of Congo

After a year of failed attempts by Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Organisation for African Unity (OAU), South Africa and other regional powerbrokers, the six countries involved in Africa’s seven-nation war in the Democratic Republic of Congo signed the Agreement for a Cease-fire in the DRC in Lusaka on 10 July 1999.

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