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Displaying 61 - 70 of 220 articles
Podcast / Africa

Africa in a World between Orders

This week on The Horn, Alan is joined by Comfort Ero, Crisis Group’s president and CEO, to discuss how African countries can navigate a changing world order amid rocky geopolitics, while protecting itself from a tsunami of pressures threatening peace and stability on the continent.

Special Briefing / Global

Ten Challenges for the UN in 2022-2023

Russia’s war in Ukraine has dominated UN diplomacy in 2022 to date. It will continue to be high on the agenda, but other matters require urgent attention, too.

Speech / Global

Priorities for the UN’s New Agenda for Peace

At a 4 August event in New York on implementation of the UN secretary-general’s report “Our Common Agenda”, Crisis Group’s Richard Gowan spoke about proposals for a “New Agenda for Peace” to guide the UN system’s work on peace and security.

Q&A / Europe & Central Asia

Who are the Winners in the Black Sea Grain Deal?

Months of diplomacy have yielded a set of agreements allowing Ukraine to export grain via the Black Sea. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts assess gains from the accord, which could be significant even if it does not by itself push down global food prices.

Special Briefing / Global

7 Priorities for the G7: Managing the Global Fallout of Russia’s War on Ukraine

Two subjects will likely preoccupy the G7 heads of state when they meet starting 26 June: the war in Ukraine and the related spikes in commodity prices worldwide. The leaders need to show that they will address the economic woes as well as other crises.

The Ukraine War: A Watershed Moment for EU Foreign Policy?

This week on War & Peace, Elissa Jobson is joined by Crisis Group EU experts Lisa Musiol and Giuseppe Famà to talk about the EU’s transformative response to the Ukraine war and what it can do to help promote peace in other conflicts around the world.

New Opportunities for Mediation in Nagorno-Karabakh

Russia’s war in Ukraine has raised fears of renewed fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh but also hopes of mediation opportunities. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2022 – Spring Update, Crisis Group urges the EU and its member states to facilitate diplomatic efforts, preserve Moscow’s role in conflict resolution and make clear that they will support any agreed steps toward an eventual settlement.

The Ukraine War: Europe’s Critical Challenge

More than two months ago, the Russian assault on Ukraine transformed a regional conflict into a war that poses the gravest risk to international peace and security in decades. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2022 – Spring Update, Crisis Group urges the EU and its member states to keep supporting Kyiv, while averting escalation and laying the groundwork for post-war European security arrangements.

Commentary / Asia

Keeping Turmoil at Bay in Pakistan’s Polarised Polity

Kicked out of office, former Prime Minister Imran Khan keeps denying his successor’s legitimacy. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2022 – Spring Update, Crisis Group urges the EU and its member states to help Pakistan's new government ward off violence, expand the social safety net and promote electoral reforms.

Kofi Annan’s Lessons in Global Leadership

Sadly, principled statesmen and women who can forge bold, morally consistent responses to today's global problems are in short supply. We must therefore safeguard and promote the virtues that the former UN secretary-general embodied.

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