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Displaying 6661 - 6670 of 6955 articles
Report / Africa

Dialogue or Destruction? Organising for Peace as the War in Sudan Escalates

Sudan’s civil war, already one of the deadliest conflicts since World War II, has entered its most destructive phase to date. Oil revenues have allowed the government to purchase increasingly lethal weapons, more effectively pursue population-clearing operations, and expand the use of its greatest comparative advantage, air power.

Diminishing Returns: Algeria’s 2002 Legislative Elections

Multiparty parliamentary elections are a comparatively recent innovation in Algeria, and in each instance to date the outcome has been overshadowed by the process that preceded or followed it.

Report / Africa

Zimbabwe: What Next?

In the aftermath of the deeply flawed March 2002 presidential election, Zimbabwe has dropped off the radar screen of most policy-makers and media but its crisis is deepening.

Op-Ed / Asia

Will Ballots or Bullets Rule?

Afghanistan's fate hinges on the outcome of this weeks loya jirga.

UNMIK’s Kosovo Albatross : Tackling Division in Mitrovica

Three years after its establishment, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has not established a safe and secure environment, the rule of law or a meaningful civil administration in north Mitrovica.

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