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Displaying 71 - 80 of 797 articles

Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud: Russia’s New Vision for Taking on the West

In its latest foreign policy blueprint, published at the end of March, the Kremlin outlines ambitious but vague plans for countering the United States and Washington’s allies around the globe

Commentary / Africa

What Facebook Does (and Doesn’t) Have to Do with Ethiopia’s Ethnic Violence

A victim’s relative is among those accusing Meta in a Kenyan court of failing to adequately police incendiary speech on Facebook during Ethiopia’s civil war. Much greater effort from the company is warranted. But Meta’s task is hardly straightforward.

The Impact of the Saudi-Iranian Rapprochement on Middle East Conflicts

On 10 March, Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to restore diplomatic relations as part of a Chinese-sponsored initiative that appears aimed at reducing tensions across the Middle East. Crisis Group experts offer a 360-degree view of the implications for the region’s many flashpoints.

Also available in Arabic

“I Don’t Want to Disappear”: How Mexico’s Criminal Violence Reshapes Women’s Lives

As crime rises in Mexico, women are in particular danger – of “disappearance”, kidnapping, sexual assault and murder. The state has taken some steps to address this crisis, but it can do much more. 

Also available in Español

The New Generation of Palestinian Armed Groups: A Paper Tiger?

Young Palestinians have formed new armed groups across the West Bank. Small, disjointed and scattered, they lack a clear political agenda. But both Israel and the Palestinian Authority have found reason to exaggerate the threat they pose to the status quo.

Also available in Arabic

Iraqi Kurdistan Twenty Years After

The 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq infused the country’s Kurds with renewed hope of loosening the bonds that tie them to Baghdad. But subsequent events have dampened that spirit. Despite considerable progress toward autonomy, the historical Kurdish predicament endures.

Also available in Arabic
Commentary / Asia

The Pakistani Taliban Test Ties between Islamabad and Kabul

Two large attacks on police installations have rocked Pakistan, compelling the authorities to rethink their approach to countering militancy. Their dilemma is that the insurgents’ main supporters – the new authorities in Afghanistan – are also their long-time allies.

Also available in Persian, Farsi, Pashto
Commentary / Global

Global Politics in the Shadow of Ukraine

The following is adapted from a March 2023 report by Crisis Group’s President and CEO Comfort Ero to the organisation’s Trustees (before Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s 20-21 March visit to Moscow). She looks at the Ukraine war and its knock-on effects – from big-power polarisation to middle-power activism and disquiet outside the West about the conflict.

Also available in Français, Russian, Español and other languages
Commentary / United States

After Iraq: How the U.S. Failed to Fully Learn the Lessons of a Disastrous Intervention

The core lesson of the 2003 Iraq war is that ruptures in autocratic settings are inherently fraught with risk. Policymakers should approach proposed interventions in such settings with caution.

Also available in Arabic

Iraq Twenty Years After

The architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq had grand visions of transforming the Middle East in favour of U.S. interests. Two decades later, it is clear that the venture was a failure not just in that respect, but in most others as well.

Also available in Arabic

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