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Displaying 71 - 80 of 224 articles

Fighters for Peace: The Struggle of Latin America’s Women Activists

Latin America is a dangerous place to defend the cause of peace, particularly in the case of women activists, who face sexist hostility and threats. Despite the dangers, many women tenaciously lead the struggle for justice and human rights in the region.

Deeply Rooted: Coca Eradication and Violence in Colombia

Coca crops have set record yields in Colombia since the 2016 peace accord with FARC guerrillas, persuading the government to expand its forced eradication campaign with the backing of U.S. authorities. Bogotá claims that eliminating the plant will reduce rural violence.

Video / Africa

A New Strategy to End the Sahel's Wars

In the Sahel, heavy-handed military operations have fuelled animosity among ethnic communities which non-state armed groups, including jihadists, turn to their advantage. It’s time to prioritise governance and dialogue.

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