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Displaying 71 - 80 of 221 articles

Kofi Annan’s Lessons in Global Leadership

Sadly, principled statesmen and women who can forge bold, morally consistent responses to today's global problems are in short supply. We must therefore safeguard and promote the virtues that the former UN secretary-general embodied.

Speech / Global

The Ukraine War and UN Reform

The text below is an extended version of a lecture given to the Geneva Centre for Security Policy on 3 May 2022.

Statement / Global

An Agenda for the UN Secretary-General’s Trip to Russia and Ukraine

The UN Secretary-General is on his way to Moscow and Kyiv. With fighting still raging, he may find his diplomatic options limited, but nevertheless he should table proposals both for how to save lives now and how the UN might help with future peace talks.

Can the OSCE Survive the Ukraine War?

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Elissa Jobson talk to Dr. Cornelius Friesendorf about the OSCE’s future in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The War in Ukraine Raises New Questions for EU Foreign Policy

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – Europe’s gravest security crisis in decades – has prompted the EU to take unprecedented decisions on security, defence and EU enlargement. It is also starting to shape the EU’s external action more broadly, opening new questions for Brussels and member states.

Maintaining a Coalition in Support of Ukraine at the UN

The UN General Assembly has now passed two resolutions condemning Russia’s assault on Ukraine. But the majority is not as solid as it seems. Allies of Kyiv should pay more attention to the concerns of countries from the Global South.

Podcast / Global

The Ukraine War’s Global Shockwaves

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and new co-host Elissa Jobson discuss the wide-ranging global ramifications of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Preserving the OSCE at a Time of War

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine risks incapacitating one of the only remaining multilateral spaces for cooperation between Russia and the West, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Participating states must work to prevent this outcome and preserve the OSCE’s critical role in containing conflicts.

Podcast / Africa

The Ukraine War: A View From Africa

This week on The Horn, guest host Elissa Jobson is joined by think-tank Director Philani Mthembu to discuss Africa’s mixed response to the Ukraine war.

Podcast / Global

Turkey and Russia’s Complicated Relationship

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to expert Eleonora Tafuro, a research fellow at ISPI, to make sense of the complicated relationship between Russia and Turkey that has veered from collaborative to adversarial, often landing somewhere in between.

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