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Displaying 81 - 90 of 797 articles
Commentary / Global

The Global South and the Ukraine War at the UN

In UN debates over Russia’s war in Ukraine, Western countries are still pledging to back Kyiv militarily, while non-Western states are more inclined to call for a negotiated peace. Thus far, however, the latter’s proposals for reaching that goal have been short on detail.

Commentary / Africa

Sudan: Rebooting an Endangered Transition

An agreement between the military and civilians could provide a path out of decades of authoritarian rule, but progress is not assured. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can support Sudan’s transition.

Commentary / Asia

Myanmar: Post-Coup Crisis and a Flawed Election

Myanmar’s military regime is planning elections despite facing widespread resistance. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help ease the country’s political and humanitarian crisis.

Iraq: Staving Off Instability in the Near and Distant Futures

Iraq has a new government after months of delay, but various challenges to stability persist. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help support necessary reforms.

Gulf: Promoting Collective Security through Regional Dialogue

Dialogue efforts in the Gulf have stalled amid rising tensions. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help revive Saudi-Iranian and other talks.

Commentary / Asia

Afghanistan: The Taliban Restrict Women’s Rights, Worsening the Humanitarian Crisis

The Taliban seem determined to isolate the country from the world, which can only lead to greater misery for Afghans. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help address the challenges Afghanistan faces.

Commentary / Global

Responding to Global Economic Vulnerability

Overlapping crises have added to the economic burdens of many countries, particularly those already in debt. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group lays out steps the EU and its member states can take to reduce vulnerability and risks of unrest.

The Pressing Task of Advancing Peace Talks in the South Caucasus

The EU is sending a mission to monitor the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains what else the EU and its member states can do to avert another war and revitalise peace talks.

Commentary / Africa

Making the Most of the EU’s Integrated Approach in Mozambique

The Al-Shabab insurgency continues to pose a threat to civilians in northern Mozambique. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help stabilise the area.

Keeping the Right Balance in Supporting Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine may go on for some time to come. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can keep supporting Kyiv while avoiding direct clashes with Moscow.

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