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Displaying 81 - 90 of 224 articles
Video / Europe & Central Asia

How to Spend It: New EU Funding for African Peace and Security (video)

New financial structures will soon allow the EU to fund African military operations – including the supply of lethal weaponry – directly, instead of through the African Union. To avoid aggravating conflicts, Brussels should undertake robust risk assessments, constantly monitor its assistance, insist that recipient countries subordinate military efforts to political strategies and preserve African Union oversight.


Video – 10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021

In 2021, the world will be dealing with unhappy legacies from 2020: a devastating pandemic, an economic crisis unmatched since World War II, Donald Trump’s deeply divisive presidency and new wars that test the idea that crises have no military solutions.


How Does Crisis Group Choose Its Ten Conflicts to Watch?

Crisis Group's President and CEO Robert Malley explains the need for our annual list, how the selection of conflicts is done and what surprised him this year.

Video / Asia

Two Years On, China Still Holds Michael Kovrig in Arbitrary Detention

Thursday 10 December marks two years since our colleague Michael Kovrig was arrested in Beijing. His detention is unjust, a case of politically motivated hostage diplomacy that is doing profound damage to China’s worldwide reputation.

Hundreds of Thousands of Iraqis Are Still Internally Displaced

A short illustrated look at the story of Iraq's internal displacement crisis.

Video / Africa

The Islamic State Franchises in Africa: Lake Chad

Crisis Group's Consulting Senior Analyst for West Africa, Vincent Foucher, speaks about the Islamic State's influence in the Lake Chad Basin.

Video / United States

Crisis Group Turns Focus to Risk of Electoral Violence in the U.S. (Video)

Crisis Group's Senior Director for Policy Stephen Pomper reflects on the risk of electoral violence in the U.S.

Being a community leader in Colombia comes at a high price


Colombia’s grassroots leaders face a rising tide of attacks as they campaign for conflict-stricken communities’ rights. These assaults weaken the peace accord, undermine its base of popular support and expose the state’s grave difficulties in protecting communities from forces with vested interests and violent designs. Protecting these leaders, deterring their enemies and ensuring their communities’ safety should be put at the heart of security policy.


Watch List 2020 Autumn Update (Video)

Watch our video summarising the 2020 EU Watch List Autumn Update’s main recommendations on how the EU can act for peace.

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