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Displaying 81 - 90 of 179 articles
Commentary / Africa

Behind the Jihadist Attack in Chad

Jihadist fighters killed around one hundred Chadian soldiers on Lake Chad in the country’s deadliest attack in recent history. While the army has launched a counter-offensive, it is vital to improve military cooperation in the region and to protect civilians.

Also available in Français

Contending with ISIS in the Time of Coronavirus

Even as COVID-19’s toll mounts, the world should brace itself for attacks by ISIS, which believes it can exploit the disorder the contagion is causing. This continuing jihadist threat requires the sort of international cooperation that militants hope the virus will sap.

Also available in Arabic, Français

War & Peace: Deconstructing Islamic State’s Appeal in Central Asia

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope are joined by Central Asia expert Noah Tucker to discuss how the region became a source of so many fighters for ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Q&A / Europe & Central Asia

Deadly Clashes in Syria’s Idlib Show Limits of Turkey’s Options

A deadly attack on Turkish forces in Syria has brought Idlib’s crisis to a dangerous crossroads. In this Q&A, Crisis Group’s Turkey, Syria and Russia experts explain what happened and what’s at stake.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

War & Peace: Bringing Home Europe’s ISIS-affiliated Women and Children

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to Azadeh Moaveni, Crisis Group's Gender Director, about the foreign national women and children stuck in Syria. They discuss Western governments efforts to repatriate their citizens and the potential domestic political pushback.

Report / Africa

Burkina Faso: Stopping the Spiral of Violence

The proliferation of armed groups and the expanding footprint of jihadist groups fuelled violence in Burkina Faso in 2019. The government should adopt a more integrated approach to security and tackle the crisis in rural areas by resolving land disputes. 

Also available in Français

European Challenges in Confronting the Fate of ISIS Returnees

1,450 ISIS-affiliated European nationals are being held in camps in Syria, where they suffer from squalor and violence. In this excerpt from our Watch List 2020 for European policymakers, Crisis Group urges the EU member states to take responsibility for their nationals and bring them home – starting with children and women.

Podcast / Africa

How Women’s Support Energises Somalia’s Al-Shabaab

In this episode of The Horn, Host Alan Boswell and Azadeh Moaveni, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Gender, discuss women's roles within Al-Shabaab.

Briefing / Africa

The Risk of Jihadist Contagion in West Africa

Faced with jihadist breakthrough in Burkina Faso, neighbouring states in West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea increasingly fear attacks in their own territories. These countries should improve intelligence sharing, strengthen border controls and regain the trust of local populations.

Also available in Français

Averting an ISIS Resurgence in Iraq and Syria

Once again, the Islamic State may be poised to recover from defeat in its original bases of Iraq and Syria. It is still possible, however, for the jihadist group’s many foes to nip its regrowth in the bud.

Also available in Arabic

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