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Displaying 91 - 100 of 6033 articles

The Middle East Could Still Explode

Iran and Israel May Not Be Finished.

Podcast / Africa

New U.S. Envoy on Ending Sudan’s War

In this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell talks with Tom Perriello, U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan, about obstacles to peace in Sudan and U.S. efforts to mediate an end to the conflict after a year of fighting. 

Why Israel-Iran War Is a Lifeline for Netanyahu

An isolated leader who faced widespread criticism a week ago now has the backing of the West and has deflected global attention from Gaza.

Seeking the Best from a Skewed Poll: Hard Choices for Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is tilting the July presidential election in his favour, in violation of the 2023 Barbados accord. While Maduro should face consequences, the U.S. should take a calibrated approach to the reimposition of sanctions.

Also available in Español
Video / Africa

Sudan: A Year of War (with Comfort Ero)

On 15 April, Sudan will mark a year since a power struggle between two branches of its armed forces exploded into full-scale conflict. In this video, Crisis Group's President and CEO Comfort Ero reflects on the effects of these twelve months of hostilities.

Podcast / Africa

What’s Left of Sudan After a Year At War?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Shewit Woldemichael and Alan Boswell to discuss the latest from Sudan after nearly a year of war.


Iran-Israel “Shadow War” Risks Spinning Out of Control

Iran and Israel are trading threats and counter-threats following the 1 April strike, attributed to Israel, on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. It is imperative that both sides avoid further escalation – or an all-out Middle East conflagration could result.

Also available in Arabic
Statement / Africa

Sudan: A Year of War

All-out fighting between rival branches of the armed forces has devastated Sudan. With millions facing famine, diplomats should push the two main belligerents much harder to accept a ceasefire – before the fragmentation in the two sides’ ranks dooms efforts to stop the carnage.

Also available in Arabic
Special Coverage / Africa

The “Geopolitics of Climate Change and Conflict” Series: A Summary

The International Crisis Group’s Solutions Lab hosted a year-long series of virtual convenings on the geopolitics of climate change and conflict, in partnership with Stiftung Mercator. This summary highlights key insights and recommendations from the three expert roundtables. 

Stopping Famine in Gaza

The Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip has pushed many of its residents to the edge of death from starvation and disease. Only a prolonged ceasefire accompanied by a massive aid operation can improve the situation enough to avoid a horrific toll.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

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