Peace and Coca Compete in Colombia's Periphery
Peace and Coca Compete in Colombia's Periphery
The Hard Road for Colombia’s Wounded Former Combatants
The Hard Road for Colombia’s Wounded Former Combatants
Video / Latin America & Caribbean 1 minute

Peace and Coca Compete in Colombia's Periphery

One of the most pressing security threats in Colombia following the signing of the the FARC peace agreement is fighting between armed groups trying to gain control over territories and illegal business, such as coca production, previously dominated by the FARC. In this video, Senior Analyst for Colombia Kyle Johnson and Latin America Program Director Ivan Briscoe highlight main findings of Crisis Group's report Colombia’s Armed Groups and the Fight for the Spoils of Peace. 

Peace and Coca Compete in Colombia's Periphery

Senior Analyst for Colombia Kyle Johnson and Latin America Program Director Ivan Briscoe highlight Colombia's most pressing security threats after the FARC peace agreement was signed. CRISIS GROUP

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