Washington 0
14 September 2021

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) acknowledged that “in recent months, there have been some incidents related to security checks of Agency inspectors at one Iranian facility… the Agency immediately and firmly raised this issue with Iran to explain in very clear and unequivocal terms that such security-related incidents involving Agency staff are unacceptable and must not happen again”. “Iran has provided explanations related to reinforced security procedures following events at one of their facilities”, the IAEA added. “As a result of this exchange between the Agency and Iran there have been no further incidents”. Iran’s IAEA representative indicated that “security measures at the nuclear facilities in Iran are, reasonably, tightened. The IAEA inspectors have gradually come up with the new rules and regulations”. The following day, the U.S. IAEA representative told the Board of Governors that “harassment of IAEA inspectors is absolutely unacceptable and any repeat of such conduct would be of serious concern… Should additional incidents occur, the U.S. stands ready to work with other Board members to take appropriate action”.

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