Sanctions Against The Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia
Sanctions Against The Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia
Table of Contents
  1. Executive Summary
Briefing 15 / Europe & Central Asia 1 minute

Sanctions Against The Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia

As governments embark on the process of lifting sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), following the victory of opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica in Presidential elections held on 24 September 2000, this briefing paper sets forth a comprehensive list of sanctions currently in place against the FRY and the current status of FRY participation and/or membership in international organisations.

Executive Summary

As governments embark on the process of lifting sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), following the victory of opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica in Presidential elections held on 24 September 2000, this briefing paper sets forth a comprehensive list of sanctions currently in place against the FRY and  the current status of FRY participation and/or membership in international organisations.

Washington/Brussels, 10 October 2000

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