Media Quotes 1 July 2024
Media Quotes 1 July 2024
1 minute

Media Quotes 1 July 2024

24 June 2024
It’s very unlikely Israel will allow any fully fledged civil entity to take over [in Gaza.] At best we’re looking at dysfunctional governance run by aid organizations. Wall Street Journal

Tahani Mustafa

Senior Analyst, Palestine
26 June 2024
The jihadists have deeply ingrained themselves into the local landscape [in northern Mali]. [That] has made it much harder to uproot them. New York Times

Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim

Deputy Project Director, Sahel
28 June 2024
Russia is dead-set on breaking up the sanctions regime [on North Korea] and China has not done much to restrain Moscow. Reuters

Richard Gowan

UN Director
20 June 2024
[El Salvador's president] Bukele has been able to effectively reduce [non-state] violence through authoritarian measures because he has full control of the main state institutions. Vox

Renata Segura

Program Director, Latin America and Caribbean

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