Media Quotes 16 July 2024
Media Quotes 16 July 2024
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Media Quotes 16 July 2024

9 July 2024
The big question many have is if [Ethiopian Prime Minister] Abiy Ahmed could position himself as a mediator between [Sudan's army chief] Burhan and the UAE. Reuters

Alan Boswell

Project Director, Horn of Africa
14 July 2024
It is likely Somalia will still require foreign troops’ assistance for at least the next couple of years in order to avoid a security reversal. The East African

Omar Mahmood

Senior Analyst, Eastern Africa
11 July 2024
India’s most trusted … bilateral relationship is probably with Russia. It’s been at the heart of India’s foreign and strategic policy for a long time. Andalou Agency

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India
12 July 2024
With the United States reinvigorating its core alliances and partnerships in Europe and Asia … China seeks to demonstrate that it can assemble coalitions of its own. Voice of America

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China

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