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Displaying 191 - 200 of 6955 articles
Statement / United States

The International Crisis Group Responds to Letter from Congress to DOJ

Crisis Group responds to the latest mischaracterisations of its work.

Why Donors Should Not Suspend Aid to UNRWA

Following Israel’s allegations that staff of the UN agency serving Palestinian refugees participated in the 7 October 2023 attack, several capitals paused or threatened to suspend their funding. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Daniel Forti explains why it is vital that they reverse course. 

Also available in Arabic
Podcast / Africa

Somalia, Somaliland and the Explosive Port Deal

This week on The Horn, Alan speaks with Omar Mahmood, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for Eastern Africa, about the implications for Somalia of a possible port deal between Ethiopia and Somaliland and the risks of an escalation in regional tensions.

Briefing / Asia

Pakistan: Inching toward Contested Elections

A crucial vote is drawing near in Pakistan with former Prime Minister Imran Khan behind bars and his party alleging bias in election commission and caretaker government decisions. As the country is deeply polarised, disputes could turn ugly. Authorities can still avoid the worst-case scenarios.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Maritime Security in the Red Sea: What Role for the EU?

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Elissa Jobson talk with Camille Lons, visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, about the EU's response to the crisis in the Red Sea and plans for an EU-led naval mission.

Podcast / Africa

The Red Sea and the Horn

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Murithi Mutiga, Crisis Group’s Africa Director, to discuss Horn of Africa politics, including Ethiopia's push for sea access, Sudan’s war, Kenya’s regional role and Gulf rivalries playing out in the region.

Miedo, mentiras y lucro: el uso de redes sociales por los grupos criminales en México

En México, las redes sociales son una de las principales fuentes de información sobre crímenes violentos, y muchos lugares son demasiado peligrosos para los periodistas. Pero mucha información es inexacta o engañosa, y es compartida por los grupos criminales. Las plataformas deberían adaptar sus políticas para minimizar los riesgos.

Also available in English

Helping Egypt Weather the Gaza War’s Impact

The Egyptian economy is under increasing strain, with the Gaza war’s effects adding to the pressure. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2024, Crisis Group identifies ways the EU can support Egypt in coping with its economic woes.

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