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Displaying 6511 - 6520 of 6955 articles
Report / Asia

North Korea: A Phased Negotiation Strategy

Time is slipping away for a peaceful resolution of the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Hizbollah: Rebel Without a Cause?

Few political actors in the Middle East have seen their environment as thoroughly affected by recent events in the region as Hizbollah, the Lebanese political-military organisation that first came on the scene in the mid-1980s.

Report / Africa

Somaliland: Democratisation and its Discontents

Recent developments have made the choice faced by the international community considerably clearer: develop pragmatic responses to Somaliland’s demand for self-determination or continue to insist upon the increasingly abstract notion of the unity and territorial integrity of the Somali Republic – a course of action almost certain to open a new chapter in the Somali civil war.

The Israeli-Palestinian Roadmap: What A Settlement Freeze Means And Why It Matters

Settlement expansion in the Palestinian occupied territories is endangering the viability of the Roadmap and, most importantly, of the two-state solution it contemplates and which forms the core of President Bush’s stated vision.

Briefing / Asia

Aceh: How Not to Win Hearts and Minds

In April 2001, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister of Security and Political Affairs, gave a long interview on Aceh to Media Indonesia, a Jakarta newspaper. The interview appeared just after a presidential instruction had been issued authorising military action as part of a comprehensive strategy to address the Aceh problem.

Bosnia’s Nationalist Governments: Paddy Ashdown and the Paradoxes of State Building

The return of the nationalist parties to power after the October 2002 general elections in Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH) was widely assessed as a calamity. Some observers went so far as to claim that it signified the failure of the international peace-building mission over the previous seven years.

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