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Displaying 6631 - 6640 of 6955 articles
Op-Ed / Europe & Central Asia

Can the EU Hack the Balkans?

A Proving Ground for Brussels

Briefing / Asia

Myanmar: The Future of the Armed Forces

The release of Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest on 6 May 2002 has generated some optimism about political progress in Myanmar. It remains to be seen, however, whether all political actors will be able to translate the new cooperative atmosphere into actual compromises in key policy areas.

Report / Africa

Sudan’s Best Chance For Peace: How Not to Lose It

On 1 September 2002, two weeks into the second phase of the peace negotiations in Machakos, Kenya, the Sudanese government suspended its participation in the talks being brokered by the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

Report / Asia

Indonesia: Resources And Conflict In Papua

The struggle over land and natural resource rights is a key aspect of the conflict in Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, that pits the Indonesian state against an independence movement supported by most of the indigenous population.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Finding the Balance: The Scales of Justice in Kosovo

An independent, effective, and transparent justice system will be the cornerstone of a stable and democratic society in Kosovo. Ensuring that such a system is developed in a sustainable manner must be one of the top priorities of the United Nations Interim Administrative Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG).

Also available in Albanian
Report / Europe & Central Asia

The OSCE in Central Asia: A New Strategy

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) emerged in a wave of euphoria surrounding the events of the late 1980s in the former Soviet bloc.

Also available in Russian

Kyrgyzstan’s Political Crisis: An Exit Strategy

ICG’s first report on Kyrgyzstan, published in August 2001, highlighted the potential for crisis facing the country. International attention was then rarely focused on Central Asia but since September 2001 the region has suddenly registered on policy-makers’ agendas.

Also available in Russian

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