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Displaying 6831 - 6840 of 6955 articles

Montenegro: Which Way Next?

The removal of the Miloševic regime is forcing the Montenegrin government to confront the contentious issue of Montenegro's future status, whether within or outside Yugoslavia, according to ICG's Montenegro briefing "Which Way Next" (30 November 2000).

Report / Europe & Central Asia

War Criminals in Bosnia’s Republika Srpska

Five years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, which brought an end to almost four years of bloody war in Bosnia, many of those believed to have carried out some of the war’s worst atrocities remain at large.

The Algerian Crisis: Not Over Yet

Since December 1991, Algeria has been seized by a wave of violence, which achieved, between 1992 and 1998, the status of virtual civil war. That war was fought between, on the one hand, a military-backed regime and, on the other, a complex, clandestine opposition derived from the country’s banned umbrella Islamist movement, the Front Islamique du Salut (FIS – Jabha Islamiyya li’l-Inqadh).

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Recent Violence in Central Asia: Causes and Consequences

Beginning in early August, a series of violent incidents have brought more attention to the prospects for large scale conflict in Central Asia than at any time since the end of Tajikistan’s civil war.

Sanctions Against The Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia

As governments embark on the process of lifting sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), following the victory of opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica in Presidential elections held on 24 September 2000, this briefing paper sets forth a comprehensive list of sanctions currently in place against the FRY and the current status of FRY participation and/or membership in international organisations.

Reaction in Kosovo to Kostunica’s Victory

While the world watched in fascination as mass demonstrations in Belgrade toppled Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic from power, Kosovo—where Milosevic had committed some of his worst crimes—had an almost eerie air of normalcy.

Briefing / Africa

Zimbabwe Update: Three Months after the Elections

In the immediate aftermath of Zimbabwe's 24-25 June 2000 Parliamentary elections, many Zimbabweans optimistically expected that their country would begin to return to normal-leaving behind the six months of violence, intimidation, farm invasions, racist political rhetoric, and erosion of the rule of law.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Yugoslavia’s Presidential Election: The Serbian Peoples’ Moment of Truth

Since the International Crisis Group’s (ICG’s) last paper addressing the Serbian political scene, the situation on the ground inside Serbia has changed dramatically

Report / Europe & Central Asia

The Current Status of the FRY, and of Serbia and Montenegro

The deteriorating relationship between Montenegro and Belgrade has raised the question of whether the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with its two constituent republics of Serbia and Montenegro, in fact continues to exist.

Report / Asia

Indonesia: Keeping the Military Under Control

There has been since the fall of Soeharto’s New Order in May 1998 a drastic decline in the political influence of the military.

Also available in Indonesian

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