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Displaying 41 - 50 of 6955 articles

Ceasefire in Gaza: What’s New and What’s Next?

In this online event, Crisis Group experts from our MENA and U.S. Programs discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza, what’s new regarding the ceasefire talks, and what should happen next.

The Hard Road for Colombia’s Wounded Former Combatants

As part of the 2016 peace deal, the Colombian government promised support to ex-combatants as they re-entered civilian society. Reintegration camps were supposed to aid in this process. As Crisis Group expert Glaeldys González reports, support has fallen short, especially for ex-combatants with disabilities.

A Long War in Ukraine? Perspectives from Kyiv and Washington

This week on War & Peace, Olga and Elissa are joined by Lucian Kim, senior Ukraine analyst at Crisis Group, to talk about the mood in Kyiv and Washington over the war in Ukraine and Washington’s Ukraine policy as the U.S. heads for elections in November. 

Briefing / Africa

Halting the Catastrophic Battle for Sudan’s El Fasher

Hundreds of thousands of civilians are caught in the crossfire with war intensifying in North Darfur and its capital El Fasher. Concerted pressure is needed to get all sides to de-escalate. It will be difficult, but bowing to fatalism would be inexcusable.

Ukraine and European Security

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s Europe & Central Asia director Olga Oliker about the latest from Ukraine, prospects for a negotiated settlement to the war and what lies ahead for European security.

On The Horizon: June - November 2024

On the Horizon sounds the alarm about conflicts and crises that may emerge over the next three to six months. It identifies key actors and dates to watch in support of global conflict prevention efforts.

A Fraught Path Forward for Ukraine’s Liberated Territories

Even as Ukraine continues to resist Russia’s onslaught, it faces the challenge of reintegrating lands its army freed from Russian occupation in 2022. With aid from donors, there is much Kyiv can do to help make these areas peaceful and productive once more.

Also available in Ukrainian

Ukraine on the Diplomatic Front

In this online event, Crisis Group experts discuss the diplomats meeting in Lucerne about the war in Ukraine, its implications and Ukraine’s diplomatic strategy.

Türkiye in its Neighbourhood: “Strong in the Field, Strong at the Table”?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s Türkiye director Nigar Göksel about Türkye’s policy in its neighbourhood as Ankara seeks to defend its interests in a region caught up and reshaped by recent wars. 

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