
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Report to UN committee raises grave concerns over rise in torture and ill-treatment of detainees following change in ‘combating terrorism’ laws after May Casablanca bombings. Three journalists convicted of insulting King. Authorities charged 100 people with links to terrorism as part of crackdown on hardline Islamists. U.S. General and NATO Commander James Jones said Morocco (along with Algeria and Tunisia) potential haven for Islamist extremist groups.

Saudi Arabia

Increasing terrorist activity causing anxiety in Kingdom. Blast at residential complex 9 November killed 17. Two days earlier, two men blew themselves up in Mecca, which was also site of police raid 3 November killing two and resulting in weapons find and several arrests: Al Qaeda suspected.


U.S. Senate approved sanctions bill threatening tough measures if Syria found to be supporting terror groups or pursuing WMD. In Beirut, leader of Hizbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, said his fighters would retaliate if Israel attacked Lebanon or Syria; Israeli airstrike near Damascus in October was first attack in 30 years.

Western Sahara

Polisario Front announced release of 300 Moroccan POWs from camp in Algeria. Baker peace plan remains under consideration by all four parties involved - Morocco, Polisario Front, Algeria and Mauritania. UN Special Rep. for Western Sahara, Alvaro de Soto, toured region meeting representatives from four parties.


Government captured Mohammed Hamdi al-Ahdal, senior al Qaeda leader believed to have played major role in October 2000 attack on U.S.S. Cole.



UN World Food Programme says Angola has moved from crisis mode to recovery, and that about 3.8m people have returned to their areas of origin.

Burkina Faso

Opposition leader Norbert Tiendrebeogo arrested 20 October for alleged coup plot against President Blaise Campaore. 15 others already arrested. All to be tried before military tribunal. Public prosecutor alleges foreign backing for alleged plotters – possibly referring to Côte d’Ivoire.


In significant breakthrough, largest Hutu rebel group (FDD) signed agreement with government 8 October to implement ceasefire deal reached in December 2002 after decade of civil war killed estimated 300,000 of 6.5 million population. Agreement, requiring integration of armed forces, police and intelligence services, approved by Burundi parliament 22 October. Parties met in Pretoria 28 October to resolve remaining issues. Seven killed 13 October in Burundi's northern suburb in attacks blamed on second largest Hutu rebel group (FNL). Judges returned to work 22 October after 50-day strike. African Union peacekeeping mission in Burundi (AMIB) now at full strength of 3,128 troops.

Central African Republic

Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on President Bozize to enlarge transitional government, allowing for broader consensus in administration and for delay of presidential election from 3rd qtr 2004 to period of Nov 2004-Apr 2005. 480 former soldiers out of 800 who returned from DRC reintegrated into army and public service.

Côte d’Ivoire

Further deterioration in political situation. Presidents of Ghana and Nigeria met with President Gbagbo 30 October to discuss stand-off with rebels. Government arrested 11 members of two main opposition parties for alleged plot to assassinate government members. Government also claimed it thwarted plot to kill Roman Catholic cardinal. Army warned rebels holding north of country it would take action unless they returned to program of peace and disarmament. Tens of thousands marched in capital Abidjan 2 October calling on rebels to disarm. Rebel supporters reciprocated with own march in rebel-held northern town of Bouake 4 October. UN Security Council called on all parties to implement fractured peace agreement. French journalist shot dead by police officer - since arrested. Police chief sacked over murder.

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