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Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Russia’s War in Ukraine

This week on Hold Your Fire! Richard Atwood, Comfort Ero and Crisis Group’s Europe & Central Asia director Olga Oliker talk about the war in Ukraine. They discuss what’s happening on the ground, reactions around the world and what lies ahead as fighting reaches Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

War in Europe: Responding to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s assault on Ukraine threatens to become the largest European conflict in decades. A vigorous but judicious Western and global response is critical to limit the damage.

Also available in Español
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Can Western Diplomacy Still Avert War in Ukraine?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood, Comfort Ero and Olga Oliker, Crisis Group’s Europe/Central Asia director, talk about the Ukraine crisis. They discuss latest developments on the border, the uptick of violence along front lines in Eastern Ukraine and whether recent diplomatic efforts can avert a Russian escalation.

Video / Europe & Central Asia

Is Russia bluffing or perhaps misunderstanding Ukraine?

In this short interview, Crisis Group's ECA Director Olga Oliker explains why she thinks Russia's building up of forces near Ukraine may not be a bluff, but rather the result of Moscow misunderstanding of Ukraine.

Q&A / Europe & Central Asia

Russia-Ukraine: Diplomacy is the Best Hope for Heading Off a Deeper Crisis

Russia’s ongoing troop build-up near Ukraine has spurred over a month of intense diplomacy as well as new U.S. military deployments to eastern Europe. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts discuss whether talks can avert war and what happens if they fail.

Event Recording / Global

EU Watch List: 10 Cases Where the EU can Build Peace in 2022 (Online Event, 28th January 2022)

Crisis Group’s Watch List identifies ten countries or regions at risk of deadly conflict or escalation thereof in 2022. In these places, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could enhance prospects for peace and stability.

Responding to Russia’s New Military Buildup Near Ukraine

Stalled Ukraine-Russia peace talks and a recent Russian buildup of troops near the Ukrainian border are raising tensions in Europe and with the U.S. Kyiv and its Western partners should send Moscow a strong deterrence message while also proposing mutual de-escalatory measures.

Also available in Russian, Ukrainian
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Will Russia Invade Ukraine?

This week on Hold Your Fire! Richard Atwood is joined by Crisis Group experts Olga Oliker and Oleg Ignatov to look at what Russia hopes to achieve with its build-up of troops on the Ukrainian border.

Visualising the Dynamics of Combat and Negotiations in Donbas

Efforts to bring peace to Ukraine’s Donbas region have been deadlocked for years. The steps the belligerents take to de-escalate violence can save lives, but people still die on the front lines and beyond. Crisis Group’s new visual explainer puts these dynamics in stark relief.

Also available in Russian, Ukrainian

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