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Displaying 5261 - 5270 of 6955 articles
Report / Africa

Sudan’s Southern Kordofan Problem: The Next Darfur?

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended Sudan’s generation-long North-South civil war in 2005 is at risk in Southern Kordofan state, where many of the same ingredients exist that produced the vicious Darfur conflict.

Also available in Arabic
Report / Asia

Burma/Myanmar After Nargis: Time to Normalise Aid Relations

The massive devastation caused by cyclone Nargis has prompted a period of unprecedented cooperation between the government and international humanitarian agencies to deliver emergency aid to the survivors.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Report / Asia

Reforming the Judiciary in Pakistan

Pakistan’s return to civilian government after eight years of military rule and the sidelining of the military’s religious allies in the February 2008 elections offer an opportunity to restore the rule of law and to review and repeal discriminatory religious laws that restrict fundamental rights, fuel extremism and destabilise the country.

Report / Asia

Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province: Land, Development, Conflict

Sri Lanka’s government must address the security needs and land-related grievances of all ethnic communities in its Eastern Province or risk losing a unique opportunity for development and peace.

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