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Displaying 5271 - 5280 of 6955 articles

Internet Censorship in Uzbekistan

Speech by Andrew Stroehlein at the First European Union-Uzbekistan Civil Society Dialogue on Human Rights, Liberalisation of Mass Media: An Important Component of the Democratisation of Society, 2-3 October 2008, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Also available in Russian
Statement / Global

Crisis Group President Co-Chairs New International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament

Joint statement by Gareth Evans and Yoriko Kawaguchi, co-chair.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Kosovo’s Fragile Transition

Kosovo has taken first state-building steps, but the inter­national community has not met its commitments to provide adequate support.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian
Report / Africa

Chad: A New Conflict Resolution Framework

The political and security crisis Chad faces is internal, and has been exacerbated rather than caused by the meddling of its Sudanese neighbours. Power has been monopolised by a Zaghawa military clan with President Idriss Déby at the top since 1990, leading to increased violence in political and social relations, ethnic tensions and distribution of the spoils of government on the basis of clan favouritism.

Also available in Français

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