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Displaying 5341 - 5350 of 6955 articles

Ruling Palestine II: The West Bank Model?

In June 2007, as Hamas took control of Gaza and a new government was formed in the West Bank, observers ventured two scenarios. The West Bank might become a model, whose economic revival and improved relations with Israel and the wider world contrasted with Gaza’s sorry fate; or, given continued occupation and the structural dysfunctionality of the Palestinian Authority (PA), it would see little progress. Both were wrong. Under Salam Fayyad’s competent leadership, it has made gains, particularly in law and order.

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Interview / Africa

Some Fear Retaliation by Sudanese Leader

The International Criminal Court's charges of genocide against the president of Sudan are being met with widespread international support, but some are concerned that the Sudanese leader might retaliate against peacekeeping forces in the region. Nick Grono of the International Crisis Group shares thoughts with NPR on any potential threat.

The New Lebanese Equation: The Christians’ Central Role

After decades during which they saw their influence consistently decline, Lebanon’s Christians are in a position to once again play a decisive political role.

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Report / Asia

Reforming Pakistan’s Police

After decades of misuse and neglect, Pakistan’s police force is incapable of combating crime, upholding the law or protecting citizens and the state against militant violence.

Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon

A refugee crisis was feared before the coalition invasion of Iraq in 2003, but it came later than anticipated, and on a greater scale.

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