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Displaying 5351 - 5360 of 6955 articles
Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: Implications of the Ahmadiyah Decree

On 9 June 2008, the Indonesian government announced a joint ministerial decree “freezing” activities of the Ahmadiyah sect, an offshoot of Islam whose members venerate the founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Also available in Indonesian, Russian
Report / Asia

Nepal’s New Political Landscape

Nepal’s Maoists crowned their transition from underground insurgency to open politics with a convincing victory in 10 April 2008 constituent assembly (CA) elections.

Also available in Nepali
Report / Asia

Nepal’s Election: A Peaceful Revolution?

Nepal’s constituent assembly (CA) elections marked a major step forward in the peace process, paving the way for the declaration of a federal democratic republic and the start of the constitution-writing process.

Also available in Nepali
Report / Africa

Guinea-Bissau: In Need of a State

Guinea-Bissau needs a state. Its political and administrative structures are insufficient to guarantee control of its territory, assure minimum public services or counter-balance the army’s dominance. This core weakness has been at the root of recurrent political crises, coups d’etat and the proliferation of criminal networks.

Also available in Français

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