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Displaying 5371 - 5380 of 6955 articles

Reunifying Cyprus: The Best Chance Yet

A new peace process in Cyprus offers the best opportunity in decades to solve the intractable division of the island. The turnabout is largely due to the surprise election of Demetris Christofias to the Greek Cypriot presidency. He, together with his Turkish Cypriot counterpart, Mehmet Ali Talat, are demonstrating political will to make the current UN-mediated talks succeed.

Also available in Greek, Turkish

Bolivia: Rescuing the New Constitution and Democratic Stability

President Evo Morales’s efforts to consolidate sweeping reforms on the basis of a controversial new constitution have steered Bolivia into a cul-de-sac.

Also available in Español

Egypt’s Muslim Brothers: Confrontation or Integration?

The Society of Muslim Brothers’ success in the November-December 2005 elections for the People’s Assembly sent shockwaves through Egypt’s political system.

Also available in Arabic
Speech / Global

International Disaster Assistance: Policy Options

Testimony on “International Disaster Assistance: Policy Options” by Mark L. Schneider, Senior Vice President, International Crisis Group, to the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on International Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs and International Environmental Protection, June 17, 2008.

Report / Africa

Beyond the Fragile Peace Between Ethiopia and Eritrea: Averting New War

The Ethiopia-Eritrea impasse carries serious risk of a new war and is a major source of instability in the Horn of Africa, most critically for Somalia. Following Ethiopia’s refusal to accept virtual demarcation of the border by the now disbanded Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission (EEBC), Asmara unilaterally imple­men­ted it and forced out the UN peacekeepers (UNMEE), significantly raising the stakes and shattering the status quo.

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