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Displaying 5361 - 5370 of 6955 articles
Briefing / Asia

South Korea’s Elections: A Shift to the Right

South Korea’s electoral politics has made a turn to the right that is likely to lead to closer security ties with the U.S. and some other important adjustments in foreign policy and has already strained relations with the North.

Reunifying Cyprus: The Best Chance Yet

This video presents Crisis Group Europe Report 194, "Reunifying Cyprus: The Best Chance Yet". 

Briefing / Africa

Guinea: Ensuring Democratic Reforms

The political and economic change Guineans demanded in 2007 at the cost of nearly 200 lives is in jeopardy. Dismissal on 20 May 2008 of Prime Minister Lansana Kouyaté and his replacement by Tidiane Souaré, a close ally of President Lansana Conté, puts reform at risk.

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