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Displaying 5431 - 5440 of 6955 articles
Speech / Asia

Strategic Chaos and Taliban Resurgence in Afghanistan

Testimony by Mark L. Schneider, Senior Vice President, International Crisis Group to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, 2 April 2008.

Report / Asia

Nepal’s Election and Beyond

Nepal’s peace process faces a crucial test this month. Elections for a Constituent Assembly (CA) are likely to go ahead on 10 April 2008 as scheduled but political unrest and violence could mar – or even derail – preparations, and the aftermath could bring turbulence.

Also available in Nepali
Report / Asia

Timor-Leste’s Displacement Crisis

The shooting of President José Ramos-Horta in February 2008 underscored the urgency of addressing sources of conflict and violence in Timor-Leste.

Also available in Indonesian

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