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Displaying 5441 - 5450 of 6955 articles

Azerbaijan: Independent Islam and the State

Claims that major terrorist acts were foiled in Azerbaijan at the end of 2007 have prompted discussion about the extent to which Islamic extremism is a genuine threat in the oil-rich land.

Also available in Azerbaijani, Français, Russian and other languages
Report / Africa

Zimbabwe: Prospects from a Flawed Election

The regional mediation offering the most realistic chance to resolve Zimbabwe’s eight-year crisis has failed. South African President Thabo Mbeki’s stated objective in talks between the ruling ZANU-PF party and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) was to secure conditions for free and fair elections that would produce an undisputed outcome.

Also available in Français

Ruling Palestine I: Gaza Under Hamas

The policy of isolating Hamas and sanctioning Gaza is bankrupt and, by all conceivable measures, has backfired.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

Kosovo’s First Month

A month has passed since Kosovo declared independence on 17 February 2008. Much has gone well, but there is a real risk, as made most evident with the violence on 17 March around the courthouse in north Mitrovica, that partition will harden at the Ibar River in the north, and Kosovo will become another frozen conflict.

Also available in Français, Russian

Latin American Drugs II: Improving Policy and Reducing Harm

The policies of a decade or more to stop the flow of cocaine from the Andean source countries, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, to the two largest consumer markets, the U.S. and Europe, have proved insufficient and ineffective.

Also available in Français, Español

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