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Displaying 6821 - 6830 of 6955 articles
Report / Asia

Indonesia: Impunity versus Accountability

This report reviews Indonesia’s unimpressive record in bringing to justice those responsible for gross human rights violations.

Religion in Kosovo

This report seeks to describe the current position of the three major religious communities in Kosovo. In part, it aims to clarify misconceptions about the involvement of religion in the Kosovo conflict.

Op-Ed / Europe & Central Asia

Yes to a Hague-on-the-Danube Trial for Milosevic

If Belgrade won't send Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague, there is every good reason for The Hague to come to Belgrade and try him there. The hints given to Madeleine Albright in Washington by Yugoslavia's new foreign minister, Goran Svilanovic, that this course may be acceptable to the Kostunica administration should be welcomed with open arms.

Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections

Vojislav Kostunica’s coalition, the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), should win an overwhelming victory in the 23 December Serbian elections. The elections themselves will not rid Serbia of the structures, policies and attitudes of the Milosevic regime.

Report / Africa

Scramble for the Congo: Anatomy of an Ugly War

The Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement, signed eighteen months ago to stop the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has proved hollow. The accord largely froze the armies in their positions, but did not stop the fighting.

Also available in Français
Report / Asia

Indonesia: Overcoming Murder and Chaos in Maluku

Intercommunal violence in Indonesia’s Maluku region during the past two years has left over 5,000 people dead and displaced roughly 500,000 more.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Bosnia’s November Elections: Dayton Stumbles

Despite five years and five billion US dollars of international community investment in Bosnia, the 11 November Bosnian elections demonstrated once again that international engagement has failed to provide a sustainable basis for a functioning state, capable of surviving an international withdrawal.

Briefing / Asia

Aceh: Escalating Tension

Tensions in Aceh have escalated sharply in recent weeks, prompting the government in Jakarta to promise to accelerate the implementation of autonomy plans and announce a small humanitarian aid package.

Report / Africa

Burundi: Neither War nor Peace

After two and a half years of negotiations in Arusha, nineteen Burundian political parties finally signed a peace agreement on 28 August 2000, in the presence of U.S. President Bill Clinton and of many regional Heads of State.

Also available in Français

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