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Displaying 231 - 240 of 6955 articles

Israel aims to "deradicalise" Gaza but it should deradicalise itself

Agree to a ceasefire, halt settlement construction – there are things that Benjamin Netanyahu could do if he were serious about his supposed aim. 

Haiti’s Gangs: Can a Foreign Mission Break Their Stranglehold?

The UN Security Council has approved deployment of a Kenyan-led force to Haiti to help battle criminal gangs the police cannot subdue alone. The mission will need to tread carefully – both in prior planning and once on the ground – to sidestep pitfalls in its path.

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Report / Asia

Beyond the Election: Overcoming Bangladesh’s Political Deadlock

Bangladesh is heading into general elections with the opposition sitting out the vote after staging major protests. With dissatisfaction growing among the public, the ruling party and its rivals should hold negotiations to curb the risk of further turmoil.

Also available in Bengali
Commentary / Global

10 Conflicts to Watch in 2024

More leaders are pursuing their ends militarily. More believe they can get away with it.

Also available in Arabic, Français, Español and other languages

Diplomacy Must Prevail in Israel-Hizbollah Conflict

Thus far, Hizbollah and Israel have avoided a disastrous escalation on the Israeli-Lebanese border as the Gaza war rages. But trouble lies ahead. Western-led mediation remains the best way to restore security to the frontier.

Also available in Arabic
Podcast / Africa

Afrique 360°

Plus que jamais, l'Afrique est au centre de toutes les attentions, que ce soit en raison des rivalités géopolitiques sur le continent, de la recrudescence des coups d'État militaires, ou des conséquences du changement climatique. Une fois par mois, dans Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco, Rinaldo Depagne et leurs invités analysent les événements qui font la une en Afrique, tout en avançant des solutions pour tenter de résoudre les crises.

Statement / Global

Conflict Prevention in the Age of Disinformation

Around the world, disinformation and related tactics are diminishing the space for independent voices and reasoned debates. Journalists, human rights defenders, and civil society organisations have been impacted and so have we. Here, we attempt to dispel common mischaracterisations of our work and staff.

Also available in Arabic

Tunisia’s Challenge: Avoiding Default and Preserving Peace

Along with democratic backsliding, Tunisia is facing an economic crunch, magnified by foreign debt it is struggling to repay. Outside actors should keep pressing the government on human rights, while looking for ways – chiefly, a revised IMF loan – to stave off the worst-case scenarios.

Also available in Arabic, Français
Q&A / Asia

The Implications of Taiwan’s Presidential Election for Cross-strait Stability

The main candidates in Taiwan’s presidential race have advanced dramatically opposing ideas about how the island should handle tensions with China. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Ivy Kwek explains the January vote’s possible consequences for relations between Beijing and Taipei.

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