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Podcast / Africa

Special Episode: Sudan at War

This week on The Horn, we are bringing you a panel discussion on Sudan hosted by Crisis Group’s President and CEO Comfort Ero at the 2023 Doha Forum with Ambassador Mike Hammer, Ambassador Hanna Tetteh, Kholood Khair and Crisis Group’s Africa director Murithi Mutiga.

The Latest Round in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In this online event, Crisis Group experts from our MENA Program discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza and their repercussions for the region.

Türkiye’s Growing Drone Exports

Low-cost and high-performing, Turkish-made armed drones are capturing an increasing share of the global market. This success comes with risks, including escalation of conflict and reputational damage, but there are several ways for Ankara to manage them.

Also available in Turkish
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Is Moscow the Big Winner from War in the Middle East?

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Elissa Jobson talk to Hanna Notte, Director for Eurasia at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, about Russia’s response to the war in Gaza, its engagement with Middle Eastern countries and prospects for regional arms control.

Event Recording / Asia

Growing Violence, Dwindling Aid: Rohingya Crisis at an Inflection Point

In this online event, our panellists provide insight into the conditions Rohingya refugees face in Bangladesh and other host countries. 

Podcast / United States

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Shadow of the 2024 Elections with Colin Kahl

In the first episode of Ripple Effect, Stephen Pomper and Michael Hanna are joined by Colin Kahl, former under-secretary of defence for policy in the Biden administration, to assess U.S. foreign policy as the 2024 presidential election campaign picks up.

Report / Africa

Burkina Faso : armer les civils au prix de la cohésion sociale ?

Le président Ibrahim Traoré a considérablement renforcé le rôle des Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDP) dans la lutte contre les jihadistes. Les VDP contribuent à la sécurisation du territoire, mais leurs actions alimentent également les violences. Avec l’aide des partenaires extérieurs, les autorités devraient les contrôler davantage.

Also available in English
Podcast / Africa

No More Rules? Discussing the Crisis in Regional Diplomacy

This week on The Horn, Alan hosts a roundtable discussion with Kholood Khair, Abdul Mohammed, and Alexander Rondos to discuss the multiple crises engulfing the Horn of Africa and why diplomacy has been on the back foot.

Podcast / Africa

Élections en RDC : quelles perspectives pour un réel changement ?

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco reçoit Fred Bauma, directeur exécutif de l’institut de recherche Ebuteli, et Onesphore Sematumba, analyste pour la RDC et le Burundi à Crisis Group, pour parler des nombreux défis liés aux élections imminentes en République Démocratique du Congo et aux risques d’un nouvel échec démocratique.

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