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Displaying 261 - 270 of 6955 articles
Special Coverage / Global

COP28: A Special Series

In the run-up to and during COP28, Crisis Group experts contribute their views on how climate change shapes the conflicts and crises they work on.

Q&A / Global

Understanding the Stakes of Climate Talks for Countries in Conflict

On 30 November, delegates gathered for the 28th iteration of the UN Climate Conference, where peace and security will be included on the thematic agenda for the first time. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Andrew Ciacci explains the significance of this step.

Podcast / Africa

Can COP28 Deliver for Africa?

This week on The Horn, Alan hosts a roundtable discussion with Saliem Fakir, Robert Muthami, and Crisis Group expert Nazanine Moshiri to discuss what’s at stake for African countries at the COP28 climate summit.

Iran: Gaza, “Axis of Resistance” and Nuclear Calculations

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group’s Iran Project Director Ali Vaez, to discuss how Iran sees the Gaza war, the danger of a region-wide confrontation and Tehran’s nuclear calculations.

Commentary / Global

How the UN Can Make the Most of the New Agenda for Peace

The UN Secretary-General has encountered resistance to many of the ideas for strengthening international peace and security he laid out in a July policy brief. Achieving consensus on large-scale multilateral reform will be hard, but a summit in 2024 is a focus for limited innovation.

Event Recording

Mexico: Women’s Rise in Organised Crime

In this online event our Mexico experts, Angélica Ospina and Falko Ernst, discuss our report Partners in Crime: The Rise of Women in Mexico’s Illegal Groups with analysts on gender and organised crime, Coletta Youngers (WOLA) and Sandra Ley (México Evalúa).

Video / Asia

Beyond the Border: China & India’s Fraught Relationship

In this video, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for India, Praveen Donthi, and Senior Analyst for China, Amanda Hsiao, discuss the past, present and future of the fraught relationship between the two Himalayan giants.

Partners in Crime: The Rise of Women in Mexico’s Illegal Groups

More and more women are joining the criminal outfits battling for turf in Mexico, heightening the dangers these groups pose. To arrest this trend, and to help offenders leave these groups, authorities should cooperate with civil society to provide alternative pathways to earning a living.

Also available in Español

With All Eyes on Gaza, Israel Tightens Its Grip on the West Bank

The Israeli army has locked down the West Bank since 7 October, staging several incursions into Palestinian cities, as settler violence also rises. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Tahani Mustafa looks at the consequences of this escalation.

Also available in Arabic
Podcast / Asia

What Threat Does the Rebel Offensive in Myanmar Pose to the Junta?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group’s Myanmar expert Richard Horsey, to discuss ethnic armed groups’ offensive against Myanmar's military in northern Shan State, fighting between resistance forces and the army elsewhere, China’s response to the escalation and the humanitarian consequences.

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