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Displaying 271 - 280 of 6955 articles
Commentary / Asia

Why the Taliban Should Be Brought in from the Cold for Climate Talks

Surviving the impact of climate change and adapting to harsher new environments are collective tasks that need the cooperation of all countries, even Afghanistan under the outcast Taliban regime.

Event Recording / Africa

Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire : comment éradiquer la menace jihadiste ? (événement en ligne, 23 novembre 2023)

Dans cet événement en ligne, nous avons exploré les enjeux sécuritaires concernant le nord de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Event Recording / Asia

A Himalayan Rivalry and the Future of India-China Relations (Online Event, 22 November 2023)

In this online event, Crisis Group experts discuss the past, present and future of India-China relations.

Podcast / Africa

Après six mois de guerre au Soudan, le Darfour au bord du désastre

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360, Enrica Picco reçoit Jérôme Tubiana, conseiller de Médecins Sans Frontières sur les questions des réfugiés, pour parler de la guerre qui ravage le Soudan depuis plus de six mois et de ses retombées dans  la région, notamment au Tchad. Ils évoquent la crise humanitaire et migratoire et les affrontements ethniques au Darfour.

No Exit From Gaza

Why Israel—and the United States—Has Only Bad Options for the Day After

Also available in Arabic
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Time to Talk? Assessing the Plausibility of Negotiations in the Russo-Ukrainian War

This week on War & Peace, Olga talks with Samuel Charap, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, about the prospect (or lack thereof) of negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, what diplomacy would look like and what role Kyiv’s Western supporters would play in facilitating it.

VIDEO | Trapped in the Gap: Migrants and Smugglers in the Darién

In this video, personal narratives from migrants, smugglers, and locals shed light on the perilous journey through the Darién Gap, a treacherous migration route between Central and South America marked by criminal control.

Q&A / Asia

A New Escalation of Armed Conflict in Myanmar

Fighting has intensified greatly in Myanmar in recent weeks. Having started in northern Shan State, it is now spreading elsewhere. As Crisis Group expert Richard Horsey explains in this Q&A, the military is under significant pressure on the battlefield, with worrying humanitarian implications.

Will There Be a Day After for Gaza?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Tahani Mustafa and Heiko Wimmen and USMEP President Daniel Levy to discuss Israeli operations in Gaza, rising violence in the West Bank and escalation risks on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Op-Ed / United States

Is Washington Responsible for What Israel Does With American Weapons?

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Conduct in Gaza Should Prompt Scrutiny of U.S. Arms Transfers.

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