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Displaying 191 - 200 of 220 articles
Video / Asia

Sri Lanka's Authoritarian Turn: The Need for International Action

Mark Schneider, Crisis Group's Senior Vice President, looks at Sri Lanka's trend of growing authoritarianism and what the international community can do in response.

Video - Spider Web: The Making and Unmaking of Iran Sanctions

Ali Vaez, Senior Iran Analyst for Crisis Group, discusses the latest round of talks between Iran and the P5+1 on sanctions and Iran's nuclear enrichment program.

Video / Africa

International Crisis Group at Work: Mali

Crisis Group's Africa Program Director Comfort Ero recounts Crisis Group's response to Mali's 2012 coup.

Video / Europe & Central Asia

International Crisis Group at Work: South Caucasus

Lawrence Sheets, South Caucasus Project Director, talks about Crisis Group's work in the South Caucasus, promoting communication across the lines of the region's most intractable conflicts.

Video / Asia

International Crisis Group at Work: Sri Lanka

Alan Keenan, Sri Lanka Project Director, discusses Crisis Group's push for a full accounting of war crimes committed during the country's civil war — prerequisite for a genuine, lasting peace on the island.

Video / Asia

International Crisis Group at Work: Myanmar

Jim Della-Giacoma, South East Asia Project Director, talks about Crisis Group's work and impact in Myanmar.

Operation Pillar of Defense: Costs & Consequences of Fighting in Gaza

Robert Blecher, Crisis Group's Israel/Palestine Project Director, analyses the local and regional consequences of the ongoing fighting in Gaza.

Video / Global

We are the International Crisis Group

The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict.

Video / Africa

Guinea-Bissau: Transition after the Coup

On 12 April 2012 a military uprising ousted former prime minister Carlos Gomes Júnior just as he was about to compete in a run-off presidential election that he was poised to win. Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos, Crisis Group's Senior Communications Officer, and Vincent Foucher, West Africa Senior Analyst, were in Bissau to examine the current situation in the country, the reasons for the overthrow and the priorities of the new transitional government.

Libya's elections

William Lawrence, Crisis Group's North Africa Project Director, discusses the 7 July 2012 elections in Libya and why their success will be crucial to the country's democratic transition.

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