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Displaying 331 - 340 of 611 articles
Briefing / Asia

Managing Land Conflict in Timor-Leste

Measures to resolve land disputes in Timor-Leste must go beyond a draft law on land titling if they are to comprehensively reduce the risks posed, otherwise the law could bring more problems than solutions.

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Briefing / Asia

Illicit Arms in Indonesia

The Indonesian government could reduce the circulation of illegal firearms by improving procedures for guarding and monitoring police and military armouries, conducting regular audits of gun importers and enforcing controls over the “airsoft” industry.

Also available in Indonesian
Briefing / Africa

Sudan: Defining the North-South Border

Sudan’s North and South must take political action to define their mutual boundary if they hope to avoid future complications, including a return to conflict.

Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: The Deepening Impasse in Papua

The Indonesian government needs urgently to address discontent in Papua, its easternmost region, and recognise that the root of the problem is political, not economic.

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Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: The Dark Side of Jama’ah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT)

Divisions and ideological debates generated by Jama’ah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT), an organisation founded by Indonesia’s best-known radical cleric, Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, show the weakness of Indonesia’s jihadi movement.

Also available in Indonesian

Improving Security Policy in Colombia

Colombia’s new government has to improve security policy to tackle the guerrilla tactics of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as well as their broadened participation in drug trafficking and newly forged alliances with other illegal armed groups.

Also available in Español
Briefing / Asia

Steps Towards Peace: Putting Kashmiris First

Even if India and Pakistan appear willing to allow more interaction across the Line of Control (LOC) that separates the parts of Kashmir they administer, any Kashmir-based dialogue will fail if they do not put its inhabitants first.

Briefing / Asia

The Myanmar Elections

Twenty years ago today, Aung San Suu Kyi’s party swept Myanmar’s elections, but the army refused to allow the results to be implemented. Later this year Myanmar will vote again in a process certain to be seriously flawed but whose results and the constitution to be brought into force will redefine the political landscape, influencing opportunities to push for long-overdue social, economic and political reforms.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Timor-Leste: Oecusse and the Indonesian Border

The security threat at Indonesia and Timor-Leste’s shared border has decreased sharply since the latter’s 2002 independence, but failure to finalise agreement on the border and normalise cross-border traffic could allow limited but long-standing local disputes to escalate.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified, Indonesian, Portuguese, Portugal and other languages
Briefing / Africa

Somalia’s Divided Islamists

Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) must engage dissidents among the country’s insurgent groups in order to strengthen its authority and combat al-Qaeda inspired extremists.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

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