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Displaying 351 - 360 of 611 articles
Briefing / Asia

The Philippines: After the Maguindanao Massacre

The massacre on 23 November 2009 of 57 men and women by the private army of a warlord allied to Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo shocked the country and the world.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Africa

Sudan: Preventing Implosion

Sudan is sliding towards violent breakup. The main mechanisms to end conflicts between the central government and the peripheries – the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the Darfur Peace Agreement and the East Sudan Peace Agreement – all suffer from lack of implementation, largely due to the intransigence of the National Congress Party (NCP).

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

Central Asia: Islamists in Prison

The number of Islamists in Kyrgyz and Kazakh prisons is small but growing, in both size and political significance.

Briefing / Africa

Somaliland: A Way out of the Electoral Crisis

The stalled electoral process has plunged Somaliland into a serious political crisis that presents yet another risk of destabilisation for the region. If its hard-won political stability collapses under the strain of brinkmanship and intransigence, clan leaders might remobilise militias, in effect ending its dream of independence.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Afghanistan: Elections and the 
Crisis of Governance

President Hamid Karzai’s re-election on 2 November 2009, following widespread fraud in the 20 August presidential and provincial polls, has delivered a critical blow to his government’s legitimacy.


Bosnia’s Dual Crisis

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) post-war status quo has ended but the international community risks muddling the transition by delaying decisions on a new kind of engagement.

Also available in Bosnian

Venezuela: Accelerating the Bolivarian Revolution

President Hugo Chávez’s victory in the 15 February 2009 referendum, permitting indefinite re-election of all elected officials, marked an acceleration of his “Bolivarian revolution” and “socialism of the 21st century”.

Also available in Español
Briefing / Africa

Guinea: Military Rule Must End

The killing of at least 160 participants in a peaceful demonstration, the rape of many women protestors, and the arrest of political leaders by security forces in Conakry on 28 September 2009 showed starkly the dangers that continued military rule poses to Guinea’s stability and to a region where three fragile countries are only just recovering from civil wars.

Also available in Français

Kosovo: Štrpce, a Model Serb Enclave?

Štrpce, one of Kosovo’s largest Serb enclaves and one of the few with good Serb-Albanian relations and economic prospects, risks falling victim to the status dispute between Belgrade and Pristina.

Also available in Albanian, Russian, Serbian and other languages

Nagorno-Karabakh: Getting to a Breakthrough

A preliminary breakthrough in the two-decades-old Nagorno-Karabakh conflict – a framework agreement on basic principles – may be within reach.

Also available in Russian

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