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Displaying 381 - 390 of 611 articles
Briefing / Asia

The Philippines: Running in Place in Mindanao

Six months after the collapse of autonomy nego­tia­tions between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippines government, low-intensity conflict continues but moves are under way to resurrect talks.

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Briefing / Asia

Timor-Leste: No Time for Complacency

A year after the near-fatal shooting of President José Ramos-Horta, security in Timor-Leste is strikingly improved.

Also available in Portuguese, Portugal, Russian
Briefing / Africa

Guinea-Bissau: Building a Real Stability Pact

The November 2008 legislative elections were an important test for Guinea-Bissau, whose transition to democratic rule badly needed impetus. It was uncertain whether they would take place until the last minute, but they were praised by both citizens and international observers.

Also available in Français, Portuguese, Portugal
Briefing / Asia

Local Election Disputes in Indonesia: The Case of North Maluku

The election for governor in Indonesia’s North Maluku province was one of the most bitterly contested since direct elections for local government heads were introduced in 2005. Held in November 2007, it remains in dispute more than a year later, although a winner has been named and inaugurated.

Also available in Russian

Engaging Syria? Lessons from the French Experience

How is one to engage Damascus? As the incoming U.S. administration examines the future of its relationship with Syria, seemingly persuaded that an improvement in bilateral ties and an Israeli-Syrian agreement could fundamentally modify the regional landscape, France’s recent experience offers useful lessons.

Also available in Arabic, Français

Macedonia’s Name: Breaking the Deadlock

Macedonia is a relative success story in a region scarred by unresolved statehood and territory issues. International engagement has, since the 2001 conflict with an ethnic Albanian insurgency, brought progress in integrating Albanians into political life. This has been underpinned by the promise of European Union (EU) and NATO integration, goals that unite ethnic Macedonians and Albanians. But the main NATO/EU strategy for stabilising Macedonia and the region via enlargement was derailed in 2008 by the dispute with Greece over the country’s name.

Also available in Albanian, Macedonian

Ending the War in Gaza

A war neither Israel nor Hamas truly wanted turned into a war both are willing to wage. The six-month ceasefire that expired on 19 December was far from ideal.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and other languages
Briefing / Asia

Policing in Afghanistan: Still Searching for a Strategy

Police reform in Afghanistan is receiving more attention and resources than ever before, but such increased efforts are still yet to be matched by significant improvements in police effectiveness and public confidence.

Also available in Russian

Palestine Divided

The current reconciliation process between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) is a continuation of their struggle through other means.

Also available in Arabic
Briefing / Africa

Ending Zimbabwe’s Nightmare: A Possible Way Forward

The inter-party negotiations that have sought to end Zimbabwe’s political, economic and now full-blown humanitarian crisis following the fraudulent June 2008 presidential election run-off are hopelessly deadlocked.

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