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Displaying 461 - 470 of 611 articles

Southern Serbia: In Kosovo’s Shadow

Southern Serbia’s Albanian-majority Presevo Valley is a still incomplete Balkan success story. Since international and Serbian government diplomacy resolved an ethnic Albanian insurgency in 2001, donors and Belgrade have invested significant resources to undo a legacy of human rights violations and improve the economy.

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Briefing / Africa

Darfur’s Fragile Peace Agreement

The Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) signed under African Union (AU) auspices on 5 May 2006 between Sudan’s government and the faction of the insurgent Sudan Liberation Army led by Minni Arkou Minawi (SLA/MM) is a first step toward ending the violence but strong, coordinated action is needed if it is to take hold.

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Briefing / Asia

India, Pakistan and Kashmir: Stabilising a Cold Peace

When the third round of the normalisation talks concludes in July 2006, India and Pakistan will be no closer than when they began the process in February 2004 to resolving differences, including over Kashmir.

Briefing / Africa

Zimbabwe’s Continuing Self-Destruction

With scheduled presidential elections less than eighteen months away, Zimbabwe faces the prospect of greater insecurity and violence. The economy’s free fall has deepened public anger, and the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party wants to avoid a popular vote by using the legislature it controls to establish a “transitional presidency” and appoint a successor to Robert Mugabe, who has said he will retire.


Montenegro’s Referendum

Although there are some shoals still to be navigated, the narrow pro-independence victory in Montenegro’s 21 May 2006 referendum should, on balance, increase rather than diminish stability in the western Balkans.

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Haiti after the Elections: Challenges for Préval’s First 100 Days

René Préval’s inauguration on 14 May 2006 opens a crucial window of opportunity for Haiti to move beyond political polarisation, crime and economic decline.

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Briefing / Asia

Managing Tensions on the Timor-Leste/Indonesia Border

The legacy of “losing” Timor-Leste (East Timor) continues to haunt Indonesia, affecting attitudes toward Aceh and Papua, heightening suspicions about foreign intervention, complicating relations with Australia and perpetuating fears for territorial integrity.

Briefing / Asia

Nepal’s Crisis: Mobilising International Influence

Pro-democracy demonstrations and a general strike across Nepal in recent weeks mark a decisive shift in the country’s political equations and probably signal the approaching end of King Gyanendra’s direct rule.

Briefing / Africa

Guinea in Transition

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Briefing / Asia

Aceh: Now for the Hard Part

Just past the half-year mark of the agreement to end the conflict in Aceh, several long-anticipated problems are surfacing.

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